Certified Hypnotherapist, National Guild of Hypnotists
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Certified Master Practitioner of HNLP (Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology)
Certified Practitioner of Time Based Techniques
Certified HNLP Coach
Trained by: Master Trainers John Overdurf and Julie Silverthorn
Certified as an NLP Practitioner
by the C.Q.P.N.L since1996, and reaching Master level certification in 2002, Linda specializes in hypnosis.
This vocation stems from an interest in how the mind works, and finding the most effective system to produce the change a person wants. Combined with a fascination for hypnosis, this led her to NLP, which is partly based on the work of Milton Erickson (Ericksonian hypnosis), Virginia Satir (Family Changework) and Fritz Perls(Gestalt).
What is the difference between NLP and HNLP?
NLP in a nutshell: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the use of language (linguistics) to program the nervous system (neurology) to respond in more useful ways. It’s a “cognitive-behavioral” approach, meaning that it uses a person’s thinking process and perceptions to change how they act, react, and feel. It started as a method for modeling the skills of
experts, so that this expertise could be transferred to others. It’s used by trainers in many fields, as well as therapists.
HNLP is an branch that includes quantum theory principles into the practice of Changework, while including a more humanistic approach some felt was lacking from NLP.
What it’s good for?
NLP is extremely effective if you want to change how you react to certain situations. Maybe you get emotions or feelings you don’t want, or feel compelled to do, or not do, something. It’s also great for improving your sense of identity, confidence, get rid of limiting beliefs, or create new beliefs that drive you to success. Most problems can be solved in one to 6 sessions, depending on wether it’s a change in an isolated behavior, or a broad-reaching change. A phobia is a behavior that is usually
isolated from the rest of the personality, whereas depressive tendancies involve other parts of the self (self-worth, beliefs about the world and your abilities,…)
What it’s not so good for
If what you want is explore in depth the true feelings you have about some experience, and resolve emotional issues through deeper understanding of their roots, spending a few years on a Changework couch untangling it all… NLP is goal oriented. If you have a fuzzy goal, you will get fuzzy results.
How Changework Proceeds
NLP is there to produce change. It does so quickly, effectively, and with lasting effects. But for that, you need a clear goal. Something concrete enough that an observer would notice a change in your behavior. Something clear enough to know that you’ve achieved your goal. “Understanding yourself” is too vague a goal. “Not feeling jealous every time someone looks at my spouse” is much better. We’d then have to decide together what you *do* want to feel when someone looks at your spouse. Perhaps “Feeling great because I have such a desirable mate” is what you’d *prefer* to feel. And your behavior and demeanor would change accordingly.
Typically, we’ll use the first session hour to figure out what the problem is and how it works. Then the second session hour will be used to fix the problem. It usually takes 2 to 6 sessions to fix a given problem. If you have more than one problem, we’ll get one fixed, then move onto the next one.
Typical problems NLP can solve
- Compulsions: “When I see chocolate, I can’t help myself, I have to eat it all. Then I feel I’m fat and ugly, and it just makes me want to eat even more. “
- Addictions: “I want to stop stop smoking/drinking, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t.”
- Beliefs: “Ever since I was raped, I can’t seem to trust men. I panic”
- Phobias: “I feel like I’m going to die when I see a spider!”
- Identity: “I feel I’m a loser… my dad always said I’d never make it.”
- Abilities: “Whenever the teacher gives the exams, my mind goes blank, and I can’t remember anything!”
- Motivation: “I try to study/work, but I keep getting distracted… I guess I’m just not motivated… it’s not
that interesting” - Reactions: “When my daughter says that, I just want to strangle her! It makes me so mad! And then I feel guilty about having had those thoughts…”
- Behavior: “I seem to always pick lovers that are really bad for me. Over and over.”
Where is the hypnosis?
Well, hypnosis is just one of the tools of NLP, albeit a very glamorous and powerful one! If you want hypnosis, that is what you will get. It can be used by itself, or used to increase the effect of other NLP techniques. But in the end, what matters is achieving your goals. However, hypnosis is a very cool and fun way to achieve what you want.
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TO CHOOSE YOUR SESSION: See the First Session page for more details